5 things you hate can boost your health

The so called 'bad' things can help you to live longer :
Exposure to the sun’s rays is necessary to survive, but don’t stay out too long. It can also cause a lot of skin problems. Sunlight is good for asthmatics who benefit from the ultraviolet rays.
Drinking moderate amounts of beer can actually help improve cardiovascular functions. The trick is to drink, as we said earlier, in moderate amounts.
It’s medicinal, strictly! Marijuana, often associated with memory loss, is ironically now being hyped as a way to stave off the ultimate form of memory loss: Alzheimer’s. It has been found that the anti-inflammatories found in the drug prevent the clumping of brain proteins.
Occasional bursts of anger are good for your health. Anger can be an even more effective coping mechanism than becoming afraid, irritated or disgusted.
Maggots are creepy and slimy and eeky, but they can actually save your life. Certain maggots placed on serious wounds, bite away on bacteria and dead tissue, stimulating healing and helping to prevent infection.

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