10 Myths about your skin

myth about skin care for soft smooth skin CHOCOLATE Aggravates Acne : Acne occurs when a gland sheds cells that stick together and while plugging the gland and blowing up the skin bacteria forms which feasts on the skin and chocolate has no role in it .

SUNLIGHT Tans clear up dull complexion and acne : While suntan might temporarily mask your acne, continued exposure to sunlight worsens the condition leading to premature aging in the form of wrinkles and fine lines.

ACNE occous due to dust: The dust is not the problem, neither the surface oil. The main cause is the combination of skin scales of oil and bacteria residing inside the follicle and sebaceous glands. The sebum dead skin cells and bacteria clog pores and form acne.

CUCUMBER reduces eye bags: Cucumber may help in relaxing and hydrating your skin but there is no such ingredient that reduces bags.

SKIN breathes: Heavy cream or foundation can hinder elimination and absorption functions of the skin to a degree. They do not inhibit actual oxygen nourishing the skin. The best advice in this regard is to have a cleansing regime. Use natural products and try not to sleep with your make-up on.

FAIRNESS creams make you fair: No cream can make you fair. Only ingredients like glycolic or salic acid can lighten skin tone bringing changes in the skin shade.

BLACKHEADS develops due to dirt: Blackheads are not caused by dirt. When the pores become dilated, cellular debris build up and the air hitting these cells oxidize and turn black.

SOAP is a great cleanser: The alkaline balance of a healthy skin has a Ph value of <>Using a particuler BRAND is better: It’s the ingredients and not the mixing of brands that may cause skin reactions. The best is to find an item that works for you.

HYPOALLERGENIC PRODUCTS CAN NEVER CAUSE A SKIN ERUPTION: Even if a formula is tested thoroughly, your skin could have a reaction. So hypoallergenic is a great marketing tool but not necessarily a guarantee.

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