Kiwi :The lesser known fruit

Formerly known as Chinese gooseberries, Kiwis are now extensively grown all over the world. These cylindrical fruits, are covered with a light brown fuzzy skin, which looks rather dull in comparison with its beautiful bright green interior. The flavour is delicate, yet refreshing and tangy.
Nutrition-wise, kiwi fruits contain about as much potassium as bananas, and also contain 1.5 times the DRI for Vitamin C. It is also rich in Vitamins A and E, and its black seeds can be crushed to produce kiwi fruit oil, which is very rich in Alfa-Linoleic Acid (an important Omega-3 essential fatty acid). Studies have proven that kiwi fruits are useful in improving conditions of asthmatic children, and in decreasing the probability of colon cancer by providing a good amount of dietary fibre. Please be aware that kiwi fruits can be allergic to some individuals, since they contain the protein-dissolving enzyme actinidin. The most common symptoms include itching of the mouth, lips and palate, but can range to a more severe level such as wheezing or collapsing.

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