Warm Discussion : Get your man to kiss you !

*Break the ‘touch barrier’. Touch his elbow, hold hands, put a hand on his knee. Breaking this barrier will help both of you get past some of the hangups the two of you may have about physical contact.

* Be mentally prepared as the moment approaches. Most first kisses happen towards the end of a date. Visualise in your mind what you want to happen.

*Look him in the eyes and bite your lower lip slightly. You should smile gently.

*Brush your teeth well before you get together. There’s nothing worse than kissing someone with bad breath, or someone who still has leftovers stuck bephysical,tween their pearly whites.

* Take a few steps forward and touch his elbow. By this time, he should lean forward.

* Stare into his eyes deeply and move your head towards him slowly.

* When he starts to close his eyes, close yours and lean forward slightly. He’ll be more than happy to do the work.

* When you do kiss him, don’t rush off to tell everyone. Some guys are shy and won’t appreciate your sharing something between the two of you with all your friends.

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