A to Z of haircare !

Welcome to your guide to gorgeous hair! Remember that the more you know about your hair, the better equipped you are to deal with it. Let’s run through the A to Z of hair in detail.
Armor, the hair on our body acts as a protective shield, defending the delicate parts of our anatomy.
Brushing and combing distributes our natural hair oils and increases blood circulation. However, remember to be gentle always while brushing.
Cuticle is the protective layer of our hair. When damaged, the scales of the cuticle stand up, giving a brittle and dry look.
Dandruff is a dry scaly condition, which can be easily avoided by shampooing with an anti-dandruff shampoo twice a week.
Excessive exposure to sun, will bleach and weaken the hair. Shield your hair with a cap or a scarf.
Fashion is often hard on the hair. Before surrendering your hair to the latest trend, check how your hair will be affected.
Growth cycle of the hair goes through a natural cycle of growth and fall. Do not panic if you notice some hair falling everyday.
Hirsutism or excessive growth of body hair in women. Oleum Jacoris cream is the best remedy to treat Hirsutism.
Injury to the hair caused by braiding, using tight rollers and tight ponytails.
Junk food is often mirrored in your lack-lustre hair.
Keratin is a hair protein.
Loss of hair is only normal, though if it seems excessive, contact a trichologist.
Magic Three Months — The cause of hairloss can be traced to three months, before hairloss actually manifests itself.
Nutrients and essential minerals like zinc, iron, boron, and molybdenum nourish the hair while proteins and vitamins too add to its sheen.

Over-processing hair with chemicals — by dying, it may cause damage to the cuticle and cortex.

Perming hair is not advisable because it causes the breakdown of the sulphur bonds of the hair. Quality of your hair can be improved by careful grooming and conditioning by oiling.
Rich Feel Trichology Centre is the most advanced hair centre in India and has India’s first certified trichologists at the helm to solve your hair problems.
Shampooing hair at least two to three times a week is a must to keep it clean.
Tricholgy is the science of hair and scalp diseases, with a scientific solution to most hair problems. To maintain healthy hair get your tricho-check done.
Understand your hair by reading up on hair tips, watching your hair for problems and checking your problems with a trichologist.
Vitamins are necessary for the overall strength and growth of the hair follicles.
Washing hair at alarming regularity must be avoided. If your hair type is dry, wash hair twice or thrice a week, while oily hair maybe washed daily.
X’ercise elevates blood circulation, relieves tension and fosters good health, which will surely be reflected in your hair
You are responsible for the well-being of your hair and body. A good haircare regime will ensure healthy hair.
Zinc deficiency is associated with dry hair, hairloss and oily skin. Include spinach, sunflower seeds and mushrooms in your diet.

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