* If you are talking to a loved one or a close confidante or discussing important business matters then you wouldn’t like everyone present in the room to be silent listeners. Also, while you may not think so but others may feel awkward if you discuss too many personal details. Excuse yourself and take your call.
* When in the company of others, neither take nor make telephone calls. Nothing is more irksome than being spurned by a friend whose frequent cell phone conversations take precedence over live tete-a-tete.
* Answering an incoming call in an interview or business meeting is a faux-pas that is to be avoided at all costs.
*Don’t start shouting just because there’s signal problem. It won’t carry your voice through.

* In case the background is noisy and you are at a public place then try and go to a quieter place and then talk.
* Never burst out laughing when the joke is not meant to be shared with everyone. Better you enjoy it alone.
* At an event, keep your mobile silent. Imagine you trying to say something and other person playing the silly ringtone. It is a truth universally acknowledged that cell phones must be switched off in the theatre. There is absolutely no excuse. Offenders shall be tarred and feathered! Obviously, this also applies to the cinema, the symphony and spoken word and performance art. Rock concerts and hip-hop shows are generally considered exempt.
* When piloting an automobile, use a hands-free device or resist answering incoming calls. Not only is it dangerous to talk and drive, it is illegal too.
* Chatting on your phone while walking the road may pique pedestrians.
* Having hands free doesn’t mean you have the freedom to talk just about anywhere. Better is to do one thing at a time than be lost in your conversation and ignore what others are saying.
* A camera mobile shouldn’t make you trigger happy. Respect the privacy of others. Don’t click pics without their consent.
* Always shut the lens of your camera mobile when not in use. This helps a lot in avoiding problems as there are people who might get offended even if a camera is pointed at them.
*Turn off camera’s flash wherever applicable like at a zoo using a flash light can be distractive.
* Chatting on your phone while walking the road may pique pedestrians.
* Having hands free doesn’t mean you have the freedom to talk just about anywhere. Better is to do one thing at a time than be lost in your conversation and ignore what others are saying.
* A camera mobile shouldn’t make you trigger happy. Respect the privacy of others. Don’t click pics without their consent.
* Always shut the lens of your camera mobile when not in use. This helps a lot in avoiding problems as there are people who might get offended even if a camera is pointed at them.
*Turn off camera’s flash wherever applicable like at a zoo using a flash light can be distractive.
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